
Ismaël van Wijk

Ad omne opus bonum paratus



Due to the picture on my public transport chipcard people ask me if I´m a Muslim,

Due to the bracelet I often wear people ask me if I am Catholic,

Due to my first given name people ask me if I`m Jewish,

Due to my opinions people ask me if I´m a conservative,

Due to my interests people aske me if I`m an Armenian, Russian, Serbian, Syrian,

Due to the Icons placed in my room people ask me if I´m an Orthodox Christian,

Due to the philosophical remarks people ask me if I´m often depressed,

Due to the many languages in which I can say a few sentences people ask me if I`m a polyglot.

My answer to you all is just plain simple,

The answer is in the eye of the beholder,

the truth won´t satisfy your urges to put me in a box,

I am what I am and I am proud just to be the diverse me.



Grauwe ochtend verdreven door de zon,

Bladeren op de vlucht voor de wind,

En ik? Ik voor de aankomende storm.

Who am I?


I have been described as an artistic and philosophical type. In some ways, classic; serious guy with a romantic streak. Probably a bit of a dreamer, creative, not one to talk much about himself but often found immersed in his own thoughts. Reliable, loyal and an explorer (mentally and physically).